Happy Friday Night
The Wrights
The Wrights
I amb Reufus
and I whill be
Yeur Host fur The Ebening.
and I whill be
Yeur Host fur The Ebening.
I deu lubbs teu take thiss time
teu share wif yeu
the berry high lights ob my week.
And look...
No String
Yess Yess
I did gets teu take a run frew
The Back Yard Buffet.
I did gets teu take a run frew
The Back Yard Buffet.
It iss so berry good teu
juss let loose
juss let loose
stretch my legs and
Ob course, all that running deus make me
Fore chewnuttly, I deu habbs this
Fabulous Acorn Bar...
Fore chewnuttly, I deu habbs this
Fabulous Acorn Bar...
butt berry sadly,
The Bouncer
enforces a one acorn limit.
- - - - -
In odder neus,
I habbs my the Mom back.
Wif the ecksepshun ob some medicinal unbleasantries,
she iss all most combletely back teu normal.
The Bouncer
enforces a one acorn limit.
- - - - -
In odder neus,
I habbs my the Mom back.
Wif the ecksepshun ob some medicinal unbleasantries,
she iss all most combletely back teu normal.
And that iss a berry good fing
on a counta
whee habbs so berry much teu deu.
Out there iss...
Agility Equibment calling my name.
whee habbs so berry much teu deu.
Out there iss...
Agility Equibment calling my name.
Those boles are knot going teu
weabe themselbes.
weabe themselbes.
Juss saying.
Yess Yess
Now iss the time
fur all golden boys teu
get busy...
get back teu
The Acorn Bar...
or deus
the chiggin legs.
the chiggin legs.
And then when the night time deus fall,
it iss time teu make
knot so subtull demands.
- - - -
it iss time teu make
knot so subtull demands.
- - - -
"Mom I whant some fing."
"Mom I whant some fing."
"Mom I whant some fing."
"Mom I whant some fing."
"Mom I whant some fing."
"Mom I whant some fing."
Yess Yess Yess Yess Yess
what I whant.
what I whant.
Bully Bully Bully
And may I take thiss moment teu say...
Lubbs is bayshunt. Lubbs iss kind.
Lubbs is bayshunt. Lubbs iss kind.
Lubbs iss nebber habbing teu say
"Gimme the bully stick or
I'll steal it off the counter my own self."
I'll steal it off the counter my own self."
is a
the Mom
[1] knows the precise moment the stick is teu short,
and she makes a sweet game ob taking it a way.
[2] knows a sweet boy
wants teu chase a bully stick wif
a fresh bowl ob
Ozarka Sbring Waters.
And now
ass the time fur
ass the time fur
Friday Nighty Night
draws near,
I can knot helb butt fink...
I can knot helb butt fink...
Life is Good.
Fridays are Great.
Saturdays are Seuberb.
Fridays are Great.
Saturdays are Seuberb.