Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday Night Wrights: The Case of a Missin Monkey Leg and a Big Business Audit

Habby Friday
Friday Night Wrights
The Case ob a Monkey Leg
and a
Big Business Audit

yess yesss
in our last issue
whee were gallabanting a bout
rebelling in the sunny sun shines
and odder wise
wonder full wheffer
and kicking back wif
the berry bobular
my the bink monkey
and now
blease teu join me for
the rare feature
what iss
knot about the me
yess yesss
in fack thiss iss a bit ob
a double feature
what iss called
The Mom FitBit Steb Challenge
Scenes from The Facktory
that's wright
whee are
walking walking walking
quite a bit at home
and the Mom iss walking the barking garage
at the Facktory
and here she iss
starting at the tibby tob
where juss beyond
yeu can see the mid rise buildings ob
Greenway Blaza
o and look look
there iss the tibby tob ob
my the Trolley
and looking norf
yeu can see
a nodder barking garage
a cubble ob new mid rise buildings
a hodge bodge ob new construckshun
o and teu the east
yeu habbs brolly heard ob
the berry whorld famous
Texas Medical Center
what iss
knot teu far ober there
and sabing the best for last
looking east
Down Town Houston
wif her sky skrabers
the Mom iss whalking the garage
down and back ub twice a day
she counts teu her self
and bracktisses
lefts, rights, abouts and bace changes

ha ha
otter beobles in the garage
brolly fink she iss
n u t s
butt enough a bout the Mom
let's get teu
our feature story
what iss called
The Case ob a Missing Monkey Leg
yess yesss
it whas a Teusday
like most otter Teusdays
my the bink monkey and me
and then all ob a sudden
whee discubbered
a nodder ecktomy
that's wright
in addition teu
being deaf in one ear
the bink monkey
now whalks in
circles teu the left
and ass iss
the case wif leg ecktomies
there whas in
interrogayshun ob sorts
I did ecksersize
my wright teu remain silent
in the midst ob a lot ob
"o Reufus"
"o why did yeu deu it"
" o say good by teu the bink monkey"
"o no more stuffies for yeu"
whell yeu get the bicksher
and then wif a
*collecktibs sigh*
whee got on wif
our regular feature
what iss called
the rest ob our Teusday
yesss yesss
out whee go
and look
a wheed
she's a bretty wheed
whay ub there
in the bleu bleu sky
the meun
ass yeu can see
it iss
a chamber ob commerce
kind ob day
and now
let's cut thiss string
and get the barty started
the eckseuberant frolicking
the ribbing
the rombing
and checking on
the little men on the fence
what habbs been reblaced by
a flat triangle
wif a call teu go
in ob doors
I baws teu remind the Mom Judge
my innocents
and that brings uss teu
our regular feature
what on a counta
iss on hiatus
for a cubble ob wheeks
iss juss called
My Wednesday
my grasses
are really tall
tall grasses hide
eudles ubon eudles ob shmells
I inbestigate each and ebbery one
whell that and
I search for
stuff teu eat
and sbeaking ob eat
that brings uss teu
our sbeshull feature
what iss called
brebaring for
A Big Business Audit

starting wif
a bigantick dollob ob
b u m b k i n
closely followed by
w h a t c h i n g   m e
berry closely
let's teu get a leg ub
[and out]
some big business
and while
the Mom Business Manager
iss frilled wif the normal big businesses
nuffing bink
and that brings uss teu
our regular feature
what iss called
My Fursday
and deu teu
jacked ub Facktory condishuns
the Mom whas ecksauceted
when she arribed home
and wif
juss a few stebs left
teu meet her daily goal
whee whent out for some
f r e e s t y l i n g
the Mom
whalking just teu be whalking
following me a round
teu keebs me out ob
what she refers teu
ass for me
I amb seeing it all
shmelling it all
running a bout
geufing a round
what iss that I hear
yess yessss
t h e   d i n n e r   b e l l
and ubon the adbice ob
my the Aunt Karen
the Chef habbs brebared
thiss bebby ob fiber rich dinner boods
salmon and legume kibbles
carrots, botatoes, green beans, lima beans and corn
Grizzly Salmon Oil drizzle
a bigantick dollob ob bumbkin
and here iss me
wif manners
and also finking ob
all my future leg ecktomies
yess yessss
the bunishment iss
d e e - l i s h
and now
let's blease teu go outside
I can tease yeu
the hobes ob
a bottom line in the... bink
butt a lass
no no
knot now knot teuday
so let's go in and
flob a bit
blease teu
rub my belly
and then
outta no where
my bink balentine abbears
what makes the Mom nerbous
so she quickly offers
a distrackshun
out the front door she goes
and back in wif
a big bocks
a big bocks
I amb sure
what iss
for me
she says
and so all so
wif the lawn crew
in my the yard
I whait
the coast iss clear
the lock iss back on the gate
and then
o u t   w h e e   g o
teu grab
a few more stebs
a bit more disstance
a few more calories
a   l o t   m o r e   f u n
and here I amb
checking the gate
and here I amb
coming when called
yess yesss
I'm good
l e t s   g o   i n
and here I amb
the bicksher ob innocents
wif out flash
the bicksher ob innocents
wif flash
where iss the big business end
it iss down here
my FREE monkey legs
ha ha
and now ass the sun sets
I settle in for some
l a b   t i m e
b i l l o w   t i m e
s t r e t c h i n g   o u t
curling ub a bout the fan
berry berry lubby dubby ness
sweet *sighs*
and some
nabby nabs
the Mom unwinds
and whatches a bit ob teebee
night night
and now
*big long sigh*
a berry berry berry
long and sweebless night
t h e   h o r k a s
[the Mom's, knot mine]
whee drag
our tired ole bones
outta bed
teu kick off
our regular feature
what iss called
My Friday Morning
and here I amb
ecksited teu deu
a bit ob training
ahhh yessss
telling yeu a story
what otter fings I can deu
small business yeu say
yesss yessss I whill
and now
chob chob
let's get on wif
our day
on a counta
the great fillosfer Anon
once said
"the quicker she leabes, the quicker she gets back"
and so
I race inside teu
my little reum
*whait for 4 sweet botato and becan cookies*
*nom 4 sweet botato and becan cookies*
*sad face*
*cast out heabing helbing ob GUILT*
*settle in for nab*
and now that brings uss teu
our regular feature
what iss called
The Mom iss Home from the Facktory
 and wif
a lubbing greeting teu the Mom
and then a sweeb frew
the backages and shmells ob
the kitching
 whee then
whisk our selbes out ob doors
soak ub a gorgeous day
 and then all so conduck
a rebeat ob a sbeshull feature
what iss called
A Big Business Audit
w h e u   h e u
 w h e e   s e e   b i n k
and yess yessss
a chob chob and all so diss seckshun
b i n k   m o n k e y   l e g
*bigantick sigh ob relief*

and now that brings uss teu
our regular feature
what iss called
Friday After Noon Juss Hanging
 wif no meaning full sweeb last night
the Mom crabes a nab
 butt then
friends wheu rarely call
and whell uhhhh
some fing I did knot tell yeu earlier

when the Mom furst got home
I ran out
and in one fell swoob
I found a DBB
[dead baby bird]
*drob it*
she said
*drob it*
I did
that said
I deu habbs a hard time
I found the DBB
butt when rebrimanded
I draw ubon my brofessional issm
and that brings uss teu
our regular feature
what iss called
My Friday Photo Sheut 1
and here I amb showing yeu
my bretty sit
or what whee in the sbort call
my tuck sit
that's wright
knot only iss thiss
a photo sheu
I amb all so working
m y   s i t   s t a y
I amb
S U C H   A   G O O D   B O Y
and now wif
the audit behind me
I rebell in my freedom
*circle round*
and now for
a ribbing romb
and a recall
and now
yesss yessss
teu go in ob doors
teu go teu ring the Chef
teu ober see
our regular and tasty feature
what iss called
The Friday Night Dinner Blate
salmon and legume kibbiles
carrots, botatoes, green beans, lima beans, corn
Grizzly Salmon Oil drizzle
side ob bumbkin
jazz abble garnish
ahhh yesssss
that's itt ub there
all mine
habbs I mentioned lately
I deu lubbs the Chef Mom
I deu
and she feeds me berry whell lubbs me teu
and now teu the dinner table
where whee find
my feast, baired wif the Ozarka Sbring Whatters
whaiting on the whord
a good boy
and now
whoofing it down like a...
like a whoof
and then
the Mom lets me out
butt whee habbs teu whait on
the Photographer
wheu habbs forgotten
her camera
o juss soak it ub
the wonder full
sun shine
and wif businesses
out ob the whay
I check
the little oak tree
for the lastest trends
and now it's time for
our regular feature
what iss called
Our Friday Photo Sheut Bart 2
and keebing wif
the pheme ob thiss issue
I amb rocking
my trade mark
sock monkey bandana
all while
gibbing the Mom
a bretty sit
o yesss
I deu lubbs libbers
- - - - -
and now that brings uss teu
our regular feature
what iss called
I lubbs Bockses
so much in fack
I hobbed ub in the chair
Bocks Number One
wif talk ob
gradyeu ating me teu
a bigger reum
the Mom and I
decided teu try
a folding gate
I deu knot know
here I amb telling the Mom
it iss knot wide enough
wif the jury out on the gate
whee moobs on teu
Bocks Number Teu
a little nibble on the corner
o yess yess
and out bobs
a big carrot stuffy
little remoobable bunnies
[wif all deu abologies teu Mister and the CL]
and wif the berry skebtickle Mom
I amb made teu bromise
N O   B U N N Y   A U D I T S
and now sbeaking ob audits
all so in the bocks
for the berry berry berry
brocrastinating Mom Tax Consultant
ah oh
I amb likely teu learn
a lot ob new words
thiss wheekend
and now it iss time for
 a berry brief regular feature
what iss called
a short fambily nab
what iss knot really a nab
but more like
a mini lubb fest
it habbs been
a berry fun day
the airs are
I break a whay teu
cool my sweet belly
on the floors
what yeu can knot see
iss that
there iss a 3" drob teu the tile floor
I amb comfy
and all so
r e a d y
our regular feature
what iss called
The Friday Night Cheu
and teunight's cheu
*drumb roll*
a berry tasty bully stick
ahhhh yesssss
tiss the best whay teu unwind
from a stress full wheek
and now ass
I say me down teu sweeb
I amb fank full for
a l l   m y   m a n y   b l e s s i n g s
and most ob all
m y   f r i e n d s


  1. Oh Reuf! You made us laugh!! Yay for fitbit! Your grass is way greener than ours and we love your romping! Your meals look pretty good! Love your photo shoot, and you get fresh spring water?? We don't! MOL, love the carrot and bunny stuffie!!! :-)

  2. Reufus, what an interesting week you and the Mom had! Very entertaining! Glad the tiny men got off of your fence!

  3. I like the chewy stick! :) I always enjoy your updates.

  4. Sam likes to eat stuffies too. At first we thought you meant your mom had a business audit. But it was you. Hope you have another fun week. Know you'll keep busy.

  5. Reuf, You keep us laughing and not worrying about the problems .of the day
    Auntie Sheila,Uncle Bob
    and cousin Emma

  6. Wowza what a week!! Your dinner looked so yummy and we love the monkey stuffie!! Thanks for stopping by our blog, looking forward to following you!

  7. So glad you pooped pink!!! ;-)

  8. We have lots of stuffies with missing parts, not sure Mom has done that detailed of an investigation:) Wish we could figure out how to get your blog to appear in our reader. We have you added but no new posts ever show up. Mom has tried to figure it out but she is at a loss. We will try to do a better job of remembering to come visit.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  9. dood......enjoy yur wee brake frum skewl for a bit N de guilt tee iz inn oh scent till proved guiltee oh inn o cents ore sum pink leg oh monkey haz..... NAYBOR dawg did it....rited all over itz self. !!! enjoy yur week N heerz two a burd free N happee easturr ♥♥

  10. Every time i come here-- you make me smile!
